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“Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Honi has indicated to me that she is willing to be examined, handled and questioned. I, on the other hand, request the questions dignify the display with which Honi has graced us, and would like you to ask her permission before you touch her.” Honi rolled her head on her shoulders, as her orgasm subsided. Her heart, temple and gaping vagina still throbbed in harmony with pulsations of her blood. Her blond hair flared like a dusty halo. Her perspiration began to cool as it evaporated, and semen slid in rivulets down her inner thighs. At this, the audience regained some modicum of their composure, patting themselves back into and smoothing their garments as much as possible.The small red-head scooted off her partner's lap with a squelch. She smoothed her skirt down over her colt-like legs, trying to achieve some semblance of decorum. Breathless and barefoot, she was the first to reach Honi. Her hands were small, and her fingernails were manicured. ”It took a good 10 minutes of practice and my feet were starting to hurt a bit from the tight shoes, but I finally got the rhythm down. I noticed each time I turned to face Instructor Mike as I walked down the sissy runway that he was enjoying my ass more and more. “Well done, girl. Now switch to the next size up.” After doing so, I immediately had problems again, but overcame them more quickly. In a few short minutes, my ass was once again swaying hypnotically for Sir. “My little sissy is a natural. Let’s try on the rest and then you can show me your room.”We wrapped up with the wigs and other accessories, and figured out our keep pile. Once again, I loaded them up, this time in the second suitcase. Instructor Mike stood up and closed each suitcase before picking them up. I reached for one to help but he stopped me.“Daddy carries the heavy stuff. Little girls sway their cute little butts in front of Daddy to please him. Pick up your doggy bed and you can show me your.
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